

教 育 经 历

2015/08--2020/06:澳门大学  生物医药(免疫学) 博士

2008/09--2011/07:苏州大学生物物理学 硕士  


工 作 经 历

¨2021年8月-至今,南通大学特种医学研究院,副研究员, 硕导


¨2017年10月-2018年12月National cancer institute (NCI/NIH), Frederick, US Dr. Joost Joe Oppenheim’s lab, Guest researcher



科 研 项 目


1. 国家自然科学青年基金,Trip13-HAT1信号轴调控炎症性肠病肠黏膜Treg细胞增殖的机制研究,2021年,30万,主持

2. 南通市科技项目,长链非编码RNA656抑制UBE4A介导的HAT1泛素化调控大肠癌微环境中Treg细胞增殖的机制研究,2021年,5万,主持


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,前额叶皮层-伏隔核多巴胺D2受体神经元投射介导慢性痒的机制研究,项目编号:321710002021年,58万,参加。

2. 澳门科学技术发展基金,014/2015/A1A mechanistic study of immune tolerance induced by tetrandrine and other Chinese herb-derived components through regulation of DCs/Tregs and the therapeutic application of such an effect on the treatment of experimental colitis2016-2019300万,已结题,参加。

3. 澳门科学技术发展基金,011/2015/AImmunopathogenic effect and mechanism of TNF receptor type 2 in inflammatory bowel disease2014-201644.3万,已结题,参加。

4. 澳门大学研究基金,MYRG2016-00023-ICMS-QRCMElimination of regulatory T cell activity by targeting TNFR2 as a novel approach to breast cancer immunotherapy2017-2019150万,已结题,参加。

5. 澳门大学研究基金,MYRG2017-00120-ICMSMechanistic study of the TNFR2 signaling pathways and its regulation of Foxp3 expression in CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells2018-2020150万,已结题,参加。


1.Tianzhen He, De Yang, Xiao-Qing Li, Mengmeng Jiang, Md Sahidul Islam, Shaokui Chen, Yibo Chen, Yang Yang, Chon-kit Chou, Anna Trivett, Joost J. Oppenheim, and Xin Chen. Inhibition of two-pore channels in antigen-presenting cells promotes the expansion of TNFR2-expressing CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells. Science Advances, 2020; 6, eaba6584 (IF: 14.136)

2.He T, Liu S, Chen S, Ye J, Wu X, Bian Z and Chen X (2018) The p38 MAPK Inhibitor SB203580 Abrogates Tumor Necrosis Factor Induced Proliferative Expansion of Mouse CD4+Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells. Front. Immunol. 9:1556. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01556 IF: 5.511

3.Tianzhen He, Kai Wang, Peng Zhao, Guanqun Zhu, Xinbao Yin, Yulian Zhang, Zongliang Zhang, Kai Zhao, Zhenlin Wang and Ke Wang. Integrative computational approach identifies immune-relevant biomarkers in ulcerative colitis. FEBS Open Biol. 2021 (In Press).

4.Huimin Zou, Tianzhen He, Xin Chen. Tetrandrine inhibits differentiation of proinflammatory subsets of T helper cells but spares de novo differentiation of iTreg cells. International Immunopharmacology. 2019: 69: 307-312. (IF: 3.118)

5.Keqiang Chen, Vijay K Singh, Peng Tang, Zhiyao Bao, Tianzhen He, Yi Xiang, Wanghua Gong, Teizo Yoshimura, Yingying Le, Lino Tessarollo, Xin Chen and Ji Ming Wang (2018). Deficiency in Fpr2 results in reduced number of Lin-c-Kit+Sca1+ myeloid progenitor cells. J. Biol. Chem. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.002683 (IF: 4.010)

6.Guoqing Chang, Xuefeng Zhu, Roseanne Warren, Xu Wang, Tianzhen He, Liwei Lin, Jianyi Shen. Electrospinning of Micro Spiral Fibers. Materials Research Express. 2014, 015302 doi:10.1088/2053-1591/1/1/015302.

7.贺天珍,李琳,刘先明,张雨青*.(2010). 桑枝皮多糖的化学组成及体外生物活性. 蚕业科学, 36(6), 1033-1036.

8.Li-Zhen Lu, Yu-Zhen Zhou, Yu-Qing Zhang*, Yong-Lei Ma, Li-Xia Zhou, Lin Li, Tian-Zhen He and Zhen-Zhen Zhou. (2010). Anthocyanin extracts from purple sweet potato by means of microwave baking and acidified electrolyzed water and their antioxidation in vitro. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45(7): 1378–1385

9.马永雷、张雨青*、周丽霞、卢立真、李琳、贺天珍、周珍祯、阎海波. (2010)桑枝皮醇提物的抗氧化和对a-糖苷酶活性的抑制作用. 蚕业科学, 36(1): 143-147.

10.张雨青、周丽霞、马永雷、卢立真、周珍祯、李琳、贺天珍、阎海波,一种蚕茧丝胶层醇溶物及其制备方法,发明专利,申请号:200910027117.8,申请日:2009-5-22;公开号:CN101601640A, 2009-12-16公开

11.张雨青、卢立真、马永雷、周丽霞、贺天珍、周珍祯、李琳,一种从紫甘薯中提取花色苷的方法,发明专利,申请号: 200910234497.2, 2009.11.20; 公开号:CN101735644A, 2010-6-16公开