

卢焕俊,副研究员,药学博士,获得江苏省“双创博士”人才称号。2020毕业于韩国首尔大学药学院Sensory Research Center(QS排名29),获博士学位,随后在韩国科学技术研究院Brain Science Institute从事博士后研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目一项,江苏高校自然科学基础研究面上项目一项。目前在国际SCI学术刊物上发表论文12篇,包括Journal of Clinical Investigation(IF 19.45)、 Biomaterials Research(IF 15.86)、Aging and Disease(IF 9.96)、Pain(IF 7.92)等著名杂志。中国生理学会自主神经专业委员、中国神经科学学会、中国生理学会、江苏省神经科学会会员。担任多本SCI杂志期刊审稿人




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,新型阳离子通道的电生理特性及其在神经病理性疼痛中的作用机制研究。

2. 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目一种环磷酸腺苷激活型离子通道在神经病理性疼痛中的作用机制研。




1. Tentonin 3/TMEM150C senses blood pressure changes in the aortic arch. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2020 Jul.(IF 19.45)

2. Challenges and Advances in Materials and Fabrication Technologies of Small Diameter Vascular Grafts. Biomaterials Research. 2023 April. (IF 15.86)

3. Potential of Neuroinflammation-Modulating Strategies in Tuberculous Meningitis: Targeting Microglia.  Aging and Disease. 2023 Mar. (IF 9.96)

4. Anoctamin 1/TMEM16A in pruritoceptors is essential for Mas-related G protein receptor-dependent itch.  Pain. 2022 Nov. (IF 7.92)

5. Astrocytes in Chronic Pain: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2023 Mar. (IF 5.27)

6. Progress on the Elucidation of the Antinociceptive Effect of Ginseng and Ginsenosides in Chronic Pain.  Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2022 Feb.(IF 5.98)

7. Ginsenoside Rh2 Ameliorates Neuropathic Pain by inhibition of the miRNA21-TLR8-mitogen-activated protein kinase axis.  Molecular Pain. 2022 Apr. (IF 3.37)

8. Enhanced function of NR2C/2D-containing NMDA receptor in the nucleus accumbens contributes to peripheral nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain and depression in mice.  Molecular Pain. 2022 Jan-Dec. (IF 3.37)

9. Neuroinflammation in HIV-Related Neuropathic Pain.  Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021 Apr. (IF 5.98)

10. β-adrenergic Receptor Activity in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus Participates in Spatial Learning and Memory Impairment in Sleep-deprived Rats. Experimental Neurobiology. 2021 Apr. (IF 3.80)