刘通,博士、特聘教授、博士生导师。2008年获中国科学院上海生命科学研究院神经生物学博士学位。毕业后赴美先后在哈佛医学院和杜克大学医学中心开展博士后研究工作,主要研究领域为疼痛及痒觉的神经分子机制研究。2014年入选中组部青年特聘专家。2015年入选江苏省“双创人才”和江苏省“转化疼痛医学”双创团队核心成员,并获得“江苏省六大人才高峰”高层次人才选拔培养计划,分别于2018年和2021年两次获得江苏省“333”工程培养对象(第三层次)。曾主持和在研国家自然科学基金项目共4项和江苏省自然科学基金-杰出青年基金项目1项。目前在国际SCI学术刊物上以第一作者和/或通讯作者共发表论文40多篇,包括 Nature Neuroscience、Journal of Clinical Investigation、Cell research、BJA、Theranostics、Pain等著名杂志。参与项目“特异性膜钠离子通道调制剂的研究”获2008年上海市自然科学二等奖(排名第4)。目前受聘于多个专业学术委员会,包括中国神经科学学会感觉和运动分会秘书长、中国生理学会第24和25届青年工作委员会委员、中国生理学会人体微生态专委会和疼痛转化研究专委会委员、中华医学会疼痛学分会基础学组委员、江苏省医学会疼痛分会青年委员,江苏省生理学会青年委员,并担任Neuroscience Bulletin、《中国疼痛医学杂志》期刊的编委。此外,担任多本SCI 期刊的同行评审专家。
1、Yue Hu#, Qing-Yue Fu#, Dan-Ni Fu#, Xue-Long Wang#, Zhi-Hong Wang, Jiang-Tao Zhang, Wen-Jing Xu, Guo-Kun Zhou, Li-Hua Chen*, Tong Liu*. The Role of Transient Receptor Potential A1 and G Protein-Coupled Receptor 39 in Zinc-Mediated Acute and Chronic Itch in Mice. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 2022 Jan 12;14:768731.
2、Chen WJ#, Niu JQ#, Chen YT#, Deng WJ, Xu YY, Liu J, Luo WF*, Liu T*. Unilateral facial injection of Botulinum neurotoxin A attenuates bilateral trigeminal neuropathic pain and anxiety-like behaviors through inhibition of TLR2-mediated neuroinflammation in mice. J Headache Pain 2021, 22: 38.
3、Liu X#, Zhang JT#, Hu Y#, Shan WQ, Wang ZH, Fu QY, Fu DN, Ji J*, Liu T*. Formalin Itch Test: Low-Dose Formalin Induces Histamine-Independent, TRPA1-Mediated Itch in Mice. Front Med (Lausanne) 2021, 8: 627725.
4、Li Y#, Liu T*, Luo WF*. Botulinum Neurotoxin Therapy for Depression: Therapeutic Mechanisms and Future Perspective. Front Psychiatry 2021, 12: 584416.
5、Ruo-Xiao Cheng# , Yu Feng#, Di Liu#, Zhi-Hong Wang#, Jiang-Tao Zhang, Li-Hua Chen, Cun-Jin Su, Bing Wang, Ya Huang, Ru-Rong Ji, Ji Hu*, Tong Liu* The role of Nav1.7 and methylglyoxal-mediated activation of TRPA1 in itch and hypoalgesia in a murine model of type 1 diabetes. Theranostics. 2019. May 31;9(15):4287-4307.
6、Wu Bin; McDermott Jeff S; Krajewski Jeffrey L; Knopp Kelly L; Nisenbaum Eric S; Cummins Theodore R; Tan Zhiyong*; Extracellular signal-regulated kinases mediate the enhancing effects of inflammatory mediators on resurgent currents in dorsal root ganglion neurons, Molecular Pain, 2019, 15: 1-13.
7、Guokun Zhou#; Tao Wang#; Xiangming Zha*; RNA-Seq analysis of knocking out the neuroprotective proton-sensitive GPR68 on basal and acute ischemia-induced transcriptome changes and signaling in mouse brain, The FASEB Journal, 2021, 35: e21416.
8、Wang B #, Su CJ #, Liu TT, Zhou Y, Feng Y, Huang Y, Liu X, Wang ZH, Chen LH, Luo WF, Liu T*.The neuroprotection of low-dose morphine in cellular and animal models of Parkinson's disease through ameliorating endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and activating autophagy. Front Mol Neurosci. 2018 Apr; 20; 11: 120.
9、Su CJ#, Feng Y#, Liu TT, Liu X, Bao JJ, Shi AM, Hu DM, Liu T*, Yu YL*. Thioredoxin-interacting protein induced α-synuclein accumulation via inhibition of autophagic flux: Implications for Parkinson's disease. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2017 Sep;23(9):717-723.
10、Zhou FM#, Cheng RX#, Wang S, Huang Y, Gao YJ, Zhou Y, Liu TT, Wang XL, Chen LH, Liu T*. Antioxidants Attenuate Acute and Chronic Itch: Peripheral and Central Mechanisms of Oxidative Stress in Pruritus. Neurosci Bull. 2017 Aug;33(4):423-435.